Moving on to self-hosted

This blog post should have come some time back, probably the time I went self-hosted. Precisely two months back.

Yes I went self-hosted. I am now on from where this post is being written.

Having seen my views drop drastically, I have realised that some of you may not have been automatically transferred to the new website (yes, I did install Jetpack. Still).

Therefore, taking a cue from a fellow blogger, am writing this post to update you guys of the new status. It would be awesome if you could either follow the new website through the WordPress reader or through email.

Also, if you can leave a comment (here or the new one), that will tell me that you have successfully moved.

The focus of the new site will pretty much be the same (with a beautiful and more customised design I tell myself). In fact there are some posts I wrote in the meantime, not as many as I would have liked, but still if you are interested you can check them.

Thanks ever so much!

How is it going so far? Apart from the fact that WordPress throws you out of the community so you feel like you are screaming in an empty universe, things are going great. The details of it make for another post probably at a later date.

Here’s the link again –


    1. Thanks for dropping a note Ambika 🙂 Am doing well. Just trying to be more active here but its just not happening ! How have you been? Did you finish your Kanyakumari to Kashmir journey? Haven’t seen anything on your blog

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